Banking Details
Should you wish to make any payment or donation to the church, please deposit into the following account:
Bank | First National Bank (Branch Code: 22 13 25) |
Account Name | Parish of Kirby Hilton |
Account Number | 50932109884 |
NB: For planned giving, please use your planned giving number. For other payments, please specify clearly what the payment is for in the beneficiary reference.
Planned Giving
Please contact Sharon Kingham for any information about Planned Giving. Sharon can be contacted by either email ( or mobile (083 2733585).
There will also be Planned Giving forms placed at the back of the Church.

Memorial Fund
Funds received by the parish through the dedicated giving program and through loose plate collections, currently go exclusively towards covering the day-to-day costs of running the parish. Presently there is no nest egg or account, to fund out of the ordinary expenses for capital works or to pay for desirable, unbudgeted items. The Parish Council recommends the establishment of a fund to provide the resources to cover those necessities when they arise.
Establishment of a Memorial Fund
Donors are encouraged to contribute to the Memorial Fund for various reasons, some may include:
- In lieu of flowers at the time of a funeral.
- In memory of members of their family who have died.
- In memory of “special” people in their lives who have died.
- As a thank offering.
- As a general donation to the Memorial Fund.
It is suggested that parishioners arranging funerals, be asked to consider announcing to others (via published funeral notices etc), the possibility of donating to the Memorial Fund in lieu of flowers or in memory of the deceased. Donations may be of any monitory value and may be deposited directly into the Parish’s bank account at First National Bank as follows:
Bank | First National Bank (Branch Code: 22 13 25) |
Account Name | Parish of Kirby Hilton |
Account Number | 50932109884 |
NB: Please mark deposit “Memorial Fund” and quote the name of the donor.
Administration of Fund
The Memorial Fund is separately recorded in the parish’s accounts. This Fund is invested together with other long term funds, earning the rate of return common to all long term investments. Funds will not be spent on day-to-day parish expenses. Funds to be utilized for capital works or to pay for necessary, unbudgeted items. Expenditure to be authorized by the Parish Council. The fund to be reflected as a Special Fund within the Parish’s consolidated, audited, financial statements.