Christian marriage is a joyful commitment. It is a public declaration of the couple’s intention to live together for life, legally and according to the values of the love of God in Christ, as set out in scripture. It is not a fashion show, a reason to buy a large number of expensive clothes, or an excuse to have an expensive party! (Synod of Bishops, Anglican Church of Southern Africa)
Who can be married here?:
Members of all recognized Christian denominations are welcome to use this Church. Church of the Ascension parishioners should be in touch with the parish clergy – preference of date is given to our parishioners. Members of other churches who wish to use our facility, using your own pastor/priest, should contact our church office for information. People of no church affiliation wishing to be married here, should also contact the church office and seek an appointment with the priest.
Marriage preparation:
Marriage preparation is a requirement for all weddings conducted here by our clergy, and will be discussed with you when you meet the priest.
Weddings are not permitted during Holy Week or on the Saturday before Easter Sunday.
Please do not first book all aspects of your wedding (e.g. reception venue) and then assume the church / priest will be available – check first with the church!
For those who are not members of our parish, a refundable deposit of 50% is payable at the time of confirmation of your wedding. This is payable to the Church of the Ascension and will be put towards the price of full payment.
Many couples use flower petals, which is acceptable.
Fees: Please contact the Church Office for fee details (administrator@ascensionhilton.co.za / +27 33 343 3012).
Please note that parking at the front of the Church is only available for the bridal party and the physically challenged. All other parking for your wedding guests is from the Brindy Road entrance.
We welcome flower arrangers of your choice. Please inform the parish office of the arrangements you have made. A letter of explanation will be provided, to facilitate your floral arrangements.
Church furniture other than individual chairs may not be moved.
Organ / Music:
We would prefer you to use one of our regular organists, which can be arranged through the office. If you wish to use your own organist, please let us know. We can also discuss other music styles, should you prefer to use the piano / other instruments.

Legal documents:
This will be discussed with you when you meet with the priest. Arrangements for the Marriage Register and Marriage Certificate are done for you by the priest, on behalf of the Dept. of Home Affairs. There are a number of Home Affairs requirements. Please collect and discuss with us the forms which needs to be completed in full, and returned these to us. In addition, you will need ID photos of the bride and groom (x3 each), fingerprints, copies of ID’s of the couple and witnesses. In cases of remarriage of divorced persons or whose previous spouse is deceased, other documents will also be required. You will be guided through this process.
Please Note: If any one party wishing to be married carries a foreign passport and is not in possession of a green barcoded South African ID document, then the priest is unable to facilitate the legal/state aspects of the marriage. It is best for couples in this position to marry at a registry office (other countries) or contact the Department of Home Affairs in South Africa to arrange the legal side of the marriage.
Wedding rehearsal:
Normally this will be arranged for 1 – 3 days prior to the wedding, and will take approximately 30 – 40 minutes. The bridal party, and any others involved, need to attend.