The Social Responsibility programme aims to reach out to others less fortunate than ourselves and with a particular focus (not exclusively) on children. Please let us know if you would like to be involved, or if you know of another programme you think the church should be involved with.
Here is a list of the current outreach programmes that the Church of the Ascension is involved in:
- Winter Warmth project
- Sizanani Christmas Bags
Below please find more details about these social responsibility programmes:
Winter Warmth
Every Autumn, Roma Pridmore, a faithful and energetic member of our Congregation (Church of the Ascension in Hilton KZN), has organised the annual “Winter Warmth” project. Many beautiful warm items are knitted and other people generously donate cash which is used to buy very reasonably priced winter sweatshirts and blankets. We are able to give many people a new jersey or sweatshirt or a blanket and during the bitterly cold winter these are handed out and are welcomed with grateful thanks. Our grateful thanks go to all in the congregation who so kindly contribute to this worthy cause and we acknowledge the love and provision of our God whose Father heart understands the plight of the Poor and Needy.
Sizanani Christmas Bags
For many years a group of gogos in Mphophomeni have run a soup kitchen providing a meal for children in need. In some years they are feeding as many as a 140 children Many are orphans whose families have been affected by AIDS. Peter Irons from Howick, supported by other churches, oversees this NGO, runs Bible Studies and procures the necessary ingredients for the soup to be made. Rosemary Bullock and Merriel Neuman were approached to organise a Christmas party for the children. They procured the names, ages and gender of the children and members of the congregation were encouraged to fill shoe boxes with toiletries, stationary, clothing & Zulu Christian literature. The youth Group were sometimes involved in covering the boxes with Christmas wrapping paper. Then Mary Davidge, assisted by Mignon Hitchcock, Sally Kelly and Jenny Dyer took over. For a couple of years they were discouraged to find that the numbers, ages and gender of recipients differed from those they had been given so for the last 3 years the packages have become generic and unfortunately clothes can no longer be included. Hilton Quarry Spar have faithfully provided us with the donation of hot dog rolls, viennas, tomato sauce, paper plates and serviettes for the party. Ladies in the congregation have kindly baked shoe box cakes. One of the most expensive items for the gift bags is a pencil case and congregants have kindly been sewing some of these. Last year and this year (2021) we will made cup cakes which get packed with the hot dogs into boxes, as a party has not been possible due to COVID.